4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System This Summer


  There was (and is) a lot of controversy regarding how to protect ourselves from COVID-19.  This confusion has raged from the time it was first reported to the general public, up until now with the controversy around the effectiveness of the various vaccines. While controversy and arguments may rage back and forth in the [...]

4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System This Summer2021-07-13T21:50:29+00:00

3 Natural Ways to Deal with Autoimmune Diseases


  by Frank Blaney     There is so much pain, confusion and frustration bearing on the shoulders of individuals suffering from Autoimmune Diseases.  They interrogate themselves; “Do I have one?” --- Because even just getting an accurate diagnosis is very difficult. “Why, when, where and how did I get this?” This question haunts them, [...]

3 Natural Ways to Deal with Autoimmune Diseases2021-02-02T19:57:05+00:00

Where Do Autoimmune Diseases Come from and Can Qigong Help?


In a recent YouTube video, I addressed the question, “Where do Autoimmune Diseases come from and can Qigong help?”  The question for me is not metaphorical, theoretical, or academic.  My best friend and wife has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  A dear friend and author for my publishing company fights Multiple Sclerosis [...]

Where Do Autoimmune Diseases Come from and Can Qigong Help?2020-12-18T03:18:07+00:00

3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally


As we approach the end of the first year of the COVID 19 Pandemic, many people are seeking easy ways to boost their immune system  naturally.  And for many, they want to follow a natural path to doing so.  The issue of COVID 19 vaccinations is rife with concerns regarding efficacy, how pharmaceutical corporations [...]

3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally2020-12-11T02:52:41+00:00
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